Lisa Canupp Nichols is hosting her very first ONE STOP HOLIDAY SHOPPING EVENT at her house on DECEMBER 3, 2011.
WhenSaturday, December 3, 2011
Time9:00am until 12:00pm
Where2280 Blackwood Drive, Mulberry, Florida 33860
DescriptionI plan on having vendors from EVERY company that provides opportunities for INDEPENDANT SALES! (Support your local vendors!)MARY KAY, CREATIVE MEMORIES, THIRTY-ONE, PREMIER JEWELRY, PARTY LITE, AVON, SCENTSY, ETC ETC ETC!!!!If you would like to participate as a vendor contact Lisa Canupp Nichols ASAP to reserve your spot! We expect this to be extremely successful!!! This will be an OPEN HOUSE event, therefore, people from near and far will be coming to buy OUR products! JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!! If you sign up as a vendor, please be sure your product can be delivered to our customers BEFORE Christmas! Thanks so much!!!! I HOPE TO SEE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THERE!!!!!