Central Florida Throwdown 7 CrossFit Competition to be held at Sun N’ Fun October 19-20, 2019
-Central Florida Throwdown 7 expecting over 5,600 participants and spectators.
-CrossFit Competition donates hundreds of shoes to local charity.
-Local CrossFit competition featured in Functional Fitness documentary on Netflix.
Lakeland, FL, Oct. 10, 2019– The Central Florida Throwdown is in its seventh year. This annual community driven event, held at Sun N Fun, draws hundreds of volunteers, six hundred competitors, and over five thousand spectators from all over the State of Florida and beyond to participate. An interactive map of reach can be seen HERE
This year the youngest competitor so far is 13 years old and the registered participant oldest is in his early sixties. The Central Florida Throwdown is proud of the adaptive teenaged athletes competing this year as well; one female with an amputated hand and a 15-year-old legally blind male. Central Florida Throwdown takes pride in the fact that this is a fully inclusive, family friendly event.
The Central Florida Throwdown is one of the feature stories in the documentary, Functional Fitness that is on Netflix, bringing international interest to the competition. This year’s Central Florida Throwdown title sponsor is Lakeland CBD Wellness. Additional community partners include Rafa Natural, Nineteen61, MYBOX, Revival, Geico, and Palace Pizza.
In addition to the competition, every year a local charity is chosen to benefit from the event, this year the charity is the Blended Family Foundation. To date over one hundred brand new Reebok sneakers and six hundred pairs of Reebok socks have been contributed to the foundation for school-aged children, Kindergarten thru third grade, who are in family crisis situations. The event has also assisted with the remodel of one of Florida Sheriff’s Youth Villas in Bartow which serves as home to ten, 15 to 18-year-old females.
Below are links to the website and social media outlets for review. Please contact the Event director is you have further questions or would like to request an interview.
Anitra Goddard,
Event Director
Instagram @cfthrowdown
Promo Video